I’m off to uni - but can I succeed?

In short, yes you can!

I teach a university preparation course and each semester see students battling with the same concerns. I send out these tips to help them overcome some of the barriers, many of which they’ve created for themselves.

1  I'm not smart enough - Yes you are. Once upon a time we believed our 'smartness' was set in stone. We know better now. Your brain's elasticity means you can always learn new things. You will need to learn new skills, and while this may be challenging, it's certainly do-able!

2  I'm afraid I'll fail - We are all afraid of failure at some point, but don't let it stop you from trying. Did you know the product WD 40 is called WD 40 because it failed the first 39 times? Failing is not a crime, so give things a go. You'll beat yourself up more for not trying. And if you do fail? Learn from your mistakes and try again.

3 I don't know what I want to do – Don’t stress about finding that one career path for your entire life. The good news is we live in a world now where it is unusual to have such a career path. Make a start on something that you are passionate about and see where it takes you.

4 I love to procrastinate! - Many of us do. Procrastination is actually a way to avoid failure. If we procrastinate or don't commit to something, we can't fail, right? The only problem is we never achieve anything either. If procrastination is a problem for you, just start, right now. Just one sentence or a small brainstorm to get you started on an assignment takes away a lot of the fear and the pressure. The dishes really can wait 10 more minutes and the dog will still love you if he doesn't get his walk til later.

5 I wish I hadn't wasted my time in high school - Let this one go right now. School doesn't suit everybody and some of us don’t get excited about studying until we leave school. You’re here now, that's what's important. You have this fantastic opportunity. And believe us when we say that when you walk away with your degree in a few years' time no-one is going to stop you on the street and ask what your ATAR score was.

6 I'm afraid I'm not academic enough - None of us are born being academic - imagine how easy life would be at university if we popped out of the womb knowing how to research and APA reference? Sounds crazy huh? But of course we don't know these things, until we learn them. The best way to become academic is to learn all you can. Do the library tutorials, join in discussion and ask for help when you need it.

7 I'm worried I can't balance work/family/study - It's hard trying to fit it all in and for your own mental health you need to have balance. Don't give up the things you love as this will make you bitter and invite burn out. Factor in down-time and don't think you have to have whole days, half days or even blocks of hours at a time to study. Just half an hour here and there can be enough. Just schedule enough small blocks and don't try to foster the 'perfect time' to study - it doesn't exist.

8 Ask for help - Please! Whether you are having trouble in your personal or study life, student support is there to help you. They all want you to succeed, but they can't help if they don't know there is a problem.

I hope these tips help you to get started on your study journey with a little more confidence. A great adventure awaits!



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